New Year 2018

2017 ended with what felt like gale force winds and stormy skies. It was an interesting year for sure. It showered me with a few blessings, a new place, a new full-time job in a career I thoroughly enjoy, a teenager…
And it was wrought with pain and hurt, filled with challenge after challenge that tested my strength on every level. The challenges got worse as the year progressed. Physical and mental health challenges, relationship challenges, that teenager… oh what a challenge that one!! Ending…literally days before Christmas… with the closure of my workplace that had felt like home and the loss of that full-time job that had allowed me the shifts that I had made in my life this year.
And the weight of the last few months was almost unbearable. I felt myself suffocating, drowning, barely clinging on… almost ready to quit it all.
And so I did what I do when the world starts to spin out of control. I withdrew from the chaos and found the eye in the storm, that quiet place within, from which I watch my life and anchor down the things that are spinning out of control.
I took stock of my strengths and reminded myself of who I am.
I replayed the mistakes I made and took notes so I can learn from them and not repeat them.
I flexed my emotional and mental muscles so I don’t get crushed by the weight of those painful emotions and negative thoughts.
I am not the storm.
I am not the chaos.
I am not the pain.
I am stronger and bigger than all of it. And I am more than capable of overcoming these challenges. Because I never give up. And I will never surrender. I will be the change I want to see.
Nothing worth having comes easy, and I have always fought to create the things I want in life. I have learned that the things that I want are worth the effort. And so I begin 2018… a little banged up, a little bruised… but stronger, wiser and more self-aware than I was last year. More determined to chase away the demons that plague me and more solid in my resolve to strengthen myself so that I can weather any storm heading my way.
For they will come.
And I will be ready.
Happy new year.
May we all find the courage to face our demons and the strength to weather the storms that are coming.

What is Self-care?

What is self care?

I ask my clients this and I get a range of responses.

I go to the spa. I got my nails done. I went to the gym. I meditate. I eat healthy.

Most of us have some idea of what we do for ourselves that would constitute self- care, but to truly understand it we have to know what the self is first.

I believe the self is multi-faceted and we have to look after all the layers of ourselves in order for us to be at peace.

The 5 layers as I know them:

The Energetic Self: that you that walks into the room before your physical body does. That part of you that picks up on the “tension” in the room or picks up on the “vibe” that someone is giving off.

The Physical Self: your entire physical being. The muscles, bones, plasma… Every cell that comes together to create you.

The Mental Self: the computer or the thought machine. The conscious, subconscious and unconscious mind. All of your thoughts positive and negative.

The Emotional Self: the executor of your emotional responses. Active, passive or shut down responses. The entire spectrum of emotional responses from love to fear.

The Spiritual self: the witness or the soul. The you that looks for connection to that higher power that we believe we come from. That you that questions your very existence.

Now that you know you have this multifaceted self… What are you doing to look after all the layers of you?

Meditation Workshop


What is Meditation?

–       Meditation is the ability to achieve a state of “thoughtless awareness” in which the excessive stress producing activity of the mind is neutralized without reducing alertness and effectiveness.

What are the benefits of Meditation?

–       Meditation can be an effective form of stress reduction and have the potential to improve quality of life and decrease health care costs.

–       Heighten self-awareness and enhance intuitive/psychic abilities, promotes self-healing.

Come join me as I guide you through a type of meditation called a Chakra Meditation so you can experience first hand the power of this ancient practice. A chakra meditation will allow you to centre your attention and focus on clearing your energy centres (chakra system) to allow your body to become more self aware, rebalance and ultimately heal itself.

DATE: April 24th 2016

LOCATION: Physiomed Van Mills – 1900 Fowler Dr, Mississauga

SESSION 1: Chakra Meditation with Sacred Space

TIME: 10:00 am – 10:50 am

SESSION 2: Basic Chakra Meditation

TIME: 11:00 am – 11:50 am

COST: $25.00

Space is limited so register and pay in advance if you want to guarantee your spot. Looking forward to seeing you there. Please feel free to bring your own yoga mat if you wish.
